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Currency: Kenya Shillings (Kshs)

Current exchange rate: Consult up to date and past exchange rates

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): (current prices) US$M 9,664

GDP per capita: U.S$M 334

Inflation Rate: 6.2% (2000)

Population Growth Rate: 2.9% (1999)

Life expectancy: Male 52 years, female 62 years (1998) (UNDP).

Death rate: 5.9 deaths per 1000 persons (1998) (UNDP).

Population under age 15: 49.5%

Population over age 65: 2.2%

Literacy rate: 80% (1998)

Natural Resources: Minerals, cement, soda ash, diatomite, vermiculite, baryte, flourspar. Various gemstones have also been discovered.